Fiora Modern

ELLE DECOR’s Frida is a hugely versatile kitchen with easy-to-adapt finishes created to meet the most diverse tastes, as well as special complementary items, like the original peninsula support and slatted hood. It features a solid-wood framed door with a distinctive integrated handgrip which will be easy to match to any choice because it nods to a classic aesthetic without straying from the contemporary preserve. It includes units that are perfect for furnishing the living room in a Frida style too. For those who enjoy a sense of freedom, as transpires from the handgrip on the frame.

SKU: 053 Categories:, Tags:, ,


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Additional information

Weight 30 kg
Dimensions 120 × 80 × 55 cm

Beige, Brown


Velvet, Wood

1 review for Fiora Modern

  1. Laura Burnley

    Lorem ipsum dolor est.

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